

On View

CoilMolly Greene (1986 - )
cadet capela
Unique Artwork
Acrylic on canvas

Molly Greene created in 2023

61 cm

76.2 cm

Molly Greene
Los Angeles, USA, b. 1986

Molly Greene is an American painter who lives and works in Los Angeles, California. Before devoting herself to art, she spent ten years studying. In 2013, she received a Master of Environmental Science (MESc) degree from Yale University. In 2019, she completed a PhD in American Studies, also at Yale University. During her many years of study, she focused on a variety of topics such as gender and sexuality, post-humanism or animal studies, among others. She began exhibiting her work as an artist in 2018 in the United States.

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cadet capela

Founded in Paris in 2018, cadet capela supports an international program of emerging and established artists working in painting and sculpture as well as drawing, conceptual art, and video art. A consistent focus on representing young artists with or without formal training endows cadet capela’s exhibitions with a spirit of diversity that eschews classification.

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cadet capela
Unique Artwork
Acrylic on canvas

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대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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