Jin Han created in 2022
100 cm
80.3 cm
Jin Han investigates and depicts incidents related to universal feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is currently studying visual arts at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, she actively exhibits his work to the public. The artist analyses emotions such as melancholy and an inherent sense of isolation, beginning with a sensation of anxiousness based on fragments of autobiographical recollections. The artist creates a distinctive sense of self-using thin, overlapping, and dripping brushstrokes to 'bring out' the memories and feelings onto the canvas. Through her art, she offers contemporary audiences a message of shared experience, empathy, and healing.
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아투(Artue)는 동시대 예술 현장의 역동성을 자양분으로 삼은 역량 있는 예술가들의 작품을 엄선하여 생동감 넘치는 미술의 본질을 세계에 알리는 데 헌신하고 있습니다. 예술가들을 위한 플랫폼 구축은 갤러리, 컬렉터 및 미술 애호가들을 연결해 지리적, 물리적 경계를 넘어선 총체적 경험을 제공하려는 아투의 핵심 미션과 연결됩니다. 아투를 통해 매력적인 미술의 세계를 발견하고 그 어디에서도 만날 수 없는 기회를 경험해 보시기 바랍니다. Artue is dedicated to bringing the vibrant essence of art to the world stage, presenting a curated selection of works by talented artists who embody dynamic contemporary scenes. By creating a platform for these artists, we foster connections among galleries, collectors, and art enthusiasts, offering an immersive experience that transcends geographical boundaries. Discover the captivating world of contemporary art through Artue and unlock unparalleled opportunities for growth, exposure, and success. Join us in celebrating the diverse and remarkable contributions of artists to the global art community.
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