Hyunsun Jeon created in 2023
100 cm
100 cm
The works of Hyunsun Jeon (b. 1989) use a distinct palette including greens and blues associated with Korean painting. Executed in watercolor, Jeon’s paintings focus both on a material flatness (a smooth and often matte surface) but of representation itself. Her iconography includes shapes read intellectually and intuitively as three dimensional but with an artful two dimensionality that highlights the insistent flatness of her compositions. A particularly significant and frequent motif is the cone. To Jeon the cone, a classical geometric shape that has also featured prominently in mathematics, became a stand-in for undecidability. It could appear flat or spatial, but to the artist it signals ambiguity in a broader sense. Amidst other specific motifs, a cone appeared simultaneously as important protagonist and unimportant blank. As Jeon has said: “It was like a black hole sucking in all the viewer’s effort to decipher the painting’s narrative, thus, the cone had a very clear reason for existence. A cone gradually became so important that it finally lost its function and disappeared, dispersing fragments and fractions of solid shapes all over.” Jeon’s paintings are explorations of shifting shapes and forms that take on meaning only to shed it again. While Jeon draws on geometric shapes and everyday objects, her paintings also employ a formal language of simplified landscapes reminiscent of early digital imagery, sometimes even alluding to pixelated glitches.
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Specializing in contemporary art and representing over 48 artists and estates, Esther Schipper has locations in Berlin, Paris and Seoul. The gallery is committed to presenting groundbreaking exhibitions by leading international artists. Mainly active in the primary market, the gallery represents its artists at all major international art fairs. Throughout its more than three decades of exhibition practice, Esther Schipper has provided a platform for artists to present projects that mark novel territories, initiate important conceptual departures, and bring forth new bodies of works. Building on an early pioneering program the gallery initially specialized in fostering institutional support and finding markets for radically experimental and time-based works. Today Esther Schipper represents international artists across several generations working in all media, its program spanning established artists to newly discovered talents. Esther Schipper is jointly owned by its founder Esther Schipper and Partner Florian Wojnar. Besides its locations in Berlin, Paris and Seoul, the gallery has representatives in Barcelona, Beijing, London, New York, Monaco/Nice, and Taipei.
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