ALEX CHO created in 2024
91 cm
116.8 cm

Alex Cho observes the subtle moments of mistranslations in his works. For him, these mistranslations are akin to off-pitch harmony or miscommunication that somehow makes sense. Information seems to overpower reality, appearing as translated or compressed surfaces. Amidst the current state of information overload, the artist seeks out gaps and errors that feel awkward. Using floaty drawing elements and a loose, painterly expression, the artist aims to react to and reassemble encountered information and events, creating new possibilities. The artist hopes to capture moments of awkwardness in these ambiguous spaces. His works resemble anti-humor jokes or awkward silences. The desire to go beyond information and drifting thoughts emerges on the surface of canvases as mistranslations, even if only superficially.
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GALLERY IN, located in Yeonhui-dong, Seodaemun-gu, is a space dedicated to making Contemporary Art easily accessible and friendly to the public. We aim to introduce artists, both domestic and international, fostering communication with art lovers through various exhibitions. GALLERY IN annually showcases an exhibition featuring Japanese craft artists. We have plans to create various projects beyond crafts in the future.
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