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Girl Cares N°4Anouk Lamm Anouk
Tang Contemporary Art
Unique Artwork
Oil on canvas

Anouk Lamm Anouk created in 2023

120 cm

140 cm

Anouk Lamm Anouk
-, b. unknown

Anouk Lamm Anouk is ar=s=c prac=ce spans pain=ng, drawing, sculpture, installa=on, and wri=ng. Their manifesto claims: “No Age, No Gender, No Origin”, or as they say: “I am no one I am nothing” which could be a reference to their embedment in Zen Buddhism. Anouk iden=fies as trans-non-binary and by virtue of this and living as a Person with au=sm, it is crucial to them to rid themselves of the external a`ribu=ons and labels that come from norma=ve society in order both to see and encounter others without the violence of classifica=on and an=cipa=on, to be truly open. The star=ng point of their pain=ngs is the raw linen, the canvases itself is crucial. The unprimed frontside of the linen is a living part of their works and becomes a connec=ng visual element across several series. Their colour pale`e is strictly limited, most oDen to earthy colours, hues of black and off-white are also present; reduc=on is key. Anouk works both in series and independently of series – some pain=ngs are solely abstract, while others are predominantly figura=ve – all of which is connected by unique handwri=ng and gestural strokes. Text or text fragments are also part of their prac=ces. The texts are inten=onally unobtrusive, some=mes they require viewers to look for them. These give a hint or raise ques=ons. In their work, Anouk returns to certain mo=fs, beings, and rhythms, which they unite together into a singular, holis=c cosmos, with the aim of conjuring peaceful spaces for contempla=on with a strong undercurrent of desire. This can be seen in their mostly figura=ve representa=ons in the “Lesbian Jazz” series, which features abstract symbols and mo=fs embedded next to naked bodies. The bodies on the canvas are oDen female or non-binary, some=mes sexless, and always anonymous. Faces or facial expressions are rare and usually leD out, because “Lesbian Jazz” portrays above all iden=ty, a lifestyle, a community, and not individualised portraits. Their ar=s=c prac=ce emerges from the urgent need for queer visibility in a world rife with discrimina=on, and their pain=ngs explore the visual languages of fluid iden=ty and body as they are coded and re-coded within society.

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Tang Contemporary Art

Tang Contemporary Art was established in 1997 in Bangkok, later establishing galleries in Beijing and most recently Hong Kong. Tang Contemporary Art is fully committed to producing critical projects and exhibitions to promote Contemporary Chinese art regionally and worldwide, and encourage a dynamic exchange between Chinese artists and those abroad. Acting as one of the most progressive and critically driven exhibition spaces in China, the gallery strives to initiate dialogue between artists, curators, collectors and institutions working both locally and internationally. A roster of groundbreaking exhibitions has earned Tang Contemporary Art internationally renowned recognition, establishing its status as a pioneer of the contemporary art scene in Asia. Tang Contemporary Art represents leading figures in Chinese art including Ai Weiwei, Huang Yong Ping, Shen Yuan, Wang Du, Liu Xiaodong, Yang Jiechang, Xia Xiaowan, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Yan Lei, Wang Yin, Guo Wei, Ling Jian, Chen Wenbo, Zheng Guogu, Michael Lin, Lin Yilin, Zhuang Hui, He An, Zhao Zhao, Wang Yuyang, Weng Fen, Yang Yong, Xu Hualing, Xu Qu, Xu Xiaoguo, Ji Zhou and Cai Lei, additionally collaborating with international artists such as Rirkrit Tiravanija, Navin Rawanchaikul, Sakarin Krue-on and Preeyachanok Ketsuwan.

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Girl Cares N°4Anouk Lamm Anouk
Tang Contemporary Art
Unique Artwork
Oil on canvas

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대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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