- #오브제후드
- #오브젝트후드
"Objecthood" is a concept that emerged from minimalism, often translated as "objecthood" or "materiality." It aims to strip objects of unnecessary elements, focusing on the essence of the object and the inherent properties of the material, to present works that are non-imitative and non-representational. Based in Busan, Objecthood Gallery seeks to introduce the artistic worlds of emerging domestic and international artists who understand and interpret this pure concept of objecthood. The gallery also serves as a new platform to offer moments of relaxation and leisure in our modern lives.
(Tel) +82 051-724-3507
(Email) hiobjecthood@gmail.com
“Objecthood ” is a gallery and art shop opened in Suyeong–gu, in 2020. ‘Objecthood’ is a concept that appeared in Minimalism, which was suggested to present non–representational and un–reproducible work by removing unnecessary elements of objects and emphasizing the nature of objects and the nature of their materials themselves.
The gallery introduces emerging artists from home and abroad, who understand and interpret the concept of pure objects and serves as a new platform that provides relaxation to us within contemporary society.

- Artworks
- Artists