Sebastien Dubois
Sebastien Dubois
-, b. unknown

-, b. unknown
Ever since I discovered saturated music (Franck Bedrossian, Raphael Cendo) ten years ago at the Versailles Conservatoire, the theme of Excess has become central both to my work as an ar=st and in my personal musings. While challenging the ra=onale of our ultra- modern socie=es and their economic and societal models, my pain=ngs, in a combina=on realism and abstrac=on, explore this concept of excess, in par=cular through the philosophy of Georges Bataille, literature (Pierre Guyotat, Kathy Acker, Hermann Ungar and many others) and contemporary films. The despicable, the sublime, ero=cism and death are all spheres in which excess comes into play, and I try to connect them in elaborate composi=ons that draw as much on tradi=onal pictorial techniques as on more contemporary aesthe=cs. I believe that Pain=ng, and Art in general, are at their origins, the expression of an Impossible that derives as much from vacuity as from surpassing limits.
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