Kitti Narod
Kitti Narod
-, b. unknown
-, b. unknown
Kitti Narod trained at Wi`ayalai Pohchang Art College, Bangkok, from 1996 - 1998, and later obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Rajamonkong Ins=tute of Technology in 2000. He has exhibited extensively both domes=cally and interna=onally, including in Singapore, London, Bath, Edinburgh, Manchester, Dublin, Cork, Montreal, and Melbourne. Ki} Narod creates pain=ngs that convey a sense of joy and op=mism through gentle and warm portrayals of daily life and human rela=onships. In his pain=ngs, everyone and everything exist together in a utopia. This no=on may seem unrealis=c to some, especially during an era of social division, but the ar=st’s work tries to remind us to appreciate the simple pleasures and raise a`en=on to everyday mundane ma`ers. In which, euphoric feelings will not seem so una`ainable. The ar=st considers his works to be an intersec=on for diversity, where all the physical and spiritual are equal. Ki} Narod’s recent solo exhibi=ons include “Summer Wind”, Tang Contemporary Art (Hong Kong Sar, China, 2022; “Fragrant City: Ki} Narod Solo Exhibi=on”, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok (Thailand, 2021); “Roles in Life”, We Gallery, Shenzhen (China, 2020); “Joy Land”, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok (Thailand, 2020); “Ki} Narod Exhibi=on by O‘logy”, PPP, Taipei, Taiwan (China, 2019). Recent group exhibi=ons include “Falling”, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing (China, 2022); “The Space Between Us II” at ICONSIAM, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok (Thailand, 2021); “The Space Between Us I” at ICONSIAM, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok (Thailand, 2020); “A Silent Voice”, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok (Thailand, 2020); “Spectrosynthesis II - Exposure of Tolerance: LGBTQ in Southeast Asia”, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), Bangkok (Thailand, 2019).
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