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Danh Vo


Danh Vo

Bà Rịa, b. unknown


Bà Rịa, b. unknown

Danh Vo examines how cultural values, conflicts and traumas are constructed and inherited through work inspired both by his own experiences as well as historical and political events. When he was a child, Vo’s family fled Vietnam and settled in Denmark. His family’s assimilation to European culture and the political events that precipitated their flight from Vietnam are intertwined in his artistic practice; Vo’s work illuminates the interwoven strands of private experience and collective history that shape our sense of self. Using both historically rich readymade objects and personal details that directly and indirectly touch on his own life experiences, Vo examines the larger implications how meaning changes with context, as well as how objects accumulate symbolic weight.

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대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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