Wada Chizu


Wada Chizu

Japan, b. unknown


Japan, b. unknown

Wada Chizu liked to draw from an early age, but learned to draw by self-taught against her parents' opposition. She started serializing her paintings on the Internet in 2009, and made her debut as a cartoon artist in 2014. Since then, she has been actively working in various art scenes such as publications, exhibitions, and art fairs, expanding the scope of her creation through painting. The paintings contain a wide range of themes: humans and animals, me and the outside world, and relationships. In recent years, the artist has been focusing on acrylic canvas paintings, but before that, she used to draw manga and illustrations. In the new works presented in this exhibition, she again used the pen, which was the main medium of her work. To her, new works simultaneously mean a return to the roots of her work and an exploration of new styles. In the painting, ‘I’ wear animal clothes. Costumes are a way to protect herself in relationships and an act of allowing her true inner self. That place, different from reality, is another form of self-expression.

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대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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