Latthapon Korkiatarkul
Latthapon Korkiatarkul
Bangkok, b. unknown

Bangkok, b. unknown
Latthapon Korkiatarkul creates minimal works of powerful subtlety, using abstraction as grounds for fluid subversion and projection. The artist’s process completely detaches from the conventional structures of drawing, painting, and sculpture: supporting elements such as walls or pedestals become the focal crux of pieces, as do humble materials like graphite and paper. Similarly, the artist distils and reverses sequences of production, at times painting on the reverse of canvases or soaking paper in oil before turning to colour. He negates compositional hierarchy and grandeur, even including seemingly inconsequential remnants from his methodology: the works reveal stray traces of paintbrush hair, cat fur, pencil shavings and dust, and the artist even imagines the light and wind in his studio as factors behind his visual language. Embracing the totality of his artistic process, Korkiatarkul constantly negotiates the human conceptions of value within and even beyond art. Through laborious transformation and redefinition, he meticulously questions the social construction of objects. The artist quietly calls for introspection in presenting such signature visual voids. As if existing in a vacuum of thought, Korkiatarkul renounces any complex contextual baggage, summoning his viewers to instil their personal quests for knowledge and liberation onto each of his works.