John Giorno


John Giorno

New York, USA, 1936 - 2019


New York, USA, 1936 - 2019

After studying at Columbia University, he moved to the Bowery, joining that neighborhoods’ vibrant artistic community. It was there that he met Andy Warhol, who shot footage of him sleeping for his first film, Sleep. John Giorno’s collaborators have included William S. Burroughs, Robert Rauschenberg, Patti Smith, Philip Glass, Robert Mapplethorpe and, more recently, Elizabeth Peyton, Pierre Huyghe and Ugo Rondinone. In 1965, Giorno founded Giorno Poetry Systems, an artists’ collective and record label, to relay poetry to a wider audience using innovative means of communication. One such innovation was Dial-A-Poem, which, since 1968, has continuously allowed access to anyone who wishes to hear poetry readings over the phone. John Giorno is also a pioneer of performance poetry, intense spoken word events performed before a live audience. In the 1980s, Giorno begins to add a pictorial dimension to his work, creating Poem Paintings composed of words and phrases from his poems in the form of paintings, murals, drawings and screen prints.

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Featured artworks
work_image_Life is a Killer_John Giorno

John Giorno

Life is a Killer

Cahiers d'Art




work_image_The world just makes me laugh_John Giorno

John Giorno

The world just makes me laugh

Cahiers d'Art




work_image_We gave a party for the gods and the gods all came_John Giorno

John Giorno

We gave a party for the gods and the gods all came

Cahiers d'Art





대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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