

On View

Duri Baek


Duri Baek

South Korea, b. 1984


South Korea, b. 1984

Duri Baek expresses the will to live through the light that illuminates the plants and the shadows behind them. The light that shines on the plants simultaneously creates the darkness of the shadows. The light and shadows that fall on the plants show their fierce determination and efforts to survive.The works in <Transition> are colored yellow for light and green for shadow. In the past, Baek's paintings have been characterized by the light and shadow of trees, poles, roots, and plants on rocks in the "빛의 자리","마중" , and "바위 위", but this time, the land, which is the basis of recovery, occupies a large area of the painting. <Transition> shows a green shadow falling on a neglected yellow ground, and tells the story of the beginning of life.

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Featured artworks
work_image_Synchronism 2_Duri Baek

Duri Baek

Synchronism 2





work_image_Jari 11_Duri Baek

Duri Baek

Jari 11



work_image_Synchronism 3_Duri Baek

Duri Baek

Synchronism 3





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Duri Baek

Synchronism 5





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Duri Baek

The beginning of spring





Installation views
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13 Oct 2023 - 11 Nov 2023

Cheon yi

<Cheon-yi 遷移> is the artist's first solo exhibition that fits into the process of establishing and developing her current artistic style. In fact, the title of the exhibition and the work of the same name have a great hierarchy in this exhibition. 'Cheon-yi' refers to the process of plants establishing themselves and the environment returning to the land that has been damaged and neglected by some cause. Human life repeats destruction and recovery without distinguishing between voluntary and involuntary. In describing the transition, the mention of destruction before restoration suggests that destruction and restoration are linked like a chain. Just as it is the providence of nature to cycle itself, human life is also a continuation of the cycle. There is no eternal continuation and no eternal annihilation, only a cycle. The artist seems to present this discourse of recovery and regression in this exhibition. The yellow flowing screen at the entrance of the exhibition ("Yiwon"), which appears to be full of light, but is actually devoid of any signs of life, signals a desolate prelude. Gradually, green shadows fill the screen to reveal works that show signs of life, and the artist's message to the viewer is: "This is all a product of our efforts, aspirations, and struggles to live fiercely. Shadows are the evidence of life.

CDA Gallery


대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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