
HANNA KIM created in 2022
65.1 cm
53 cm

Hanna Kim is interested in phenomena that are difficult to perceive superficially as we live our lives. She explores the distinctive features of painting in order to visualize the hidden, complex dimensions within intricate connections. The process of carving, cutting, and deconstructing the wood panel is an act of searching for what lies beyond the surface. The leftovers that emerge during this deconstruction are then reassembled to generate forms in the painting that go beyond mere representation. The front and back of the deconstructed painting are placed in space, disrupting the previously uniform appearance of the space and revealing the unseen aspects of the area. This act of deconstruction and reconstruction serves as a way to discover new perspectives in the unexplored areas of the space.
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GALLERY IN, located in Yeonhui-dong, Seodaemun-gu, is a space dedicated to making Contemporary Art easily accessible and friendly to the public. We aim to introduce artists, both domestic and international, fostering communication with art lovers through various exhibitions. GALLERY IN annually showcases an exhibition featuring Japanese craft artists. We have plans to create various projects beyond crafts in the future.
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