Saehyun Paik
Saehyun Paik
Seoul, South Korea, b. 1987

- #painting
- #minimalism
- #colors
- #patterns
- #dialogues
Seoul, South Korea, b. 1987
Saehyun Paik is New York-based abstract artist. She has several gallery and museum exhibitions. Saehyun is searching for all that the modern human experience lacks. Recently, she has been experimenting and exploring minimalism, through pattern, line, and close color relationships. Difficulty adapting to social situations in her early years caused Saehyun to learn to create dialogues and rapports through art material themselves. She now explores these ‘conversations’ by blending two or more media in each of her processes. Having former her communication style through painting repetition and learning Saehyun continues to explore people without representing them.
<I’ll Meet You in The Wonder, Space776, New York, US
<Visual Logic>, 485 Chashama Gallery, New York, U.S.A
<First>, Ouchi Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A
Solo Exhibition
<Chashama Group Exhibition>, Chashama Gallery, New York, U.S.A
<Envisioning>, American University’s Katzen Arts Center, Washington, D.C., U.S.A
<Contemporary Landscape 2020>, International Exhibition CICA Museum, Gimpo, Korea
Group Exhibition