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Daniel Lergon


Daniel Lergon

Germany, b. 1978


Germany, b. 1978

Daniel Lergon (b.1978, Bonn) is a German artist who experiments with Jight effects and chemical reactions, exploring optics and perception. He began his inquiries into color, the interaction of Jight on different surfaces and optical effects. Lergon has been working with fabrics of different optical and physical qualities, to which he applies lacquers and transparent varnishes to produce a broad range of effects that vary with the position of the viewer. In his early works, Lergon used color pigments within the range of the color spectrum, applying them to all kinds of material surfaces. In later work, while using transparent varnishes and synthetic, retro reflective fabric as painting surface {which reflects the light in the same direction from which it comes), he also includes colors at the very extremes of the spectrum into his work. His intensive study of the colors was thus always tied to the materiality of the painting's ground and the question regarding this influence this would have on the viewer's perception.

Featured artworks
work_image_Untitled_Daniel Lergon

Daniel Lergon


Lazy Mike

Request for sale

work_image_Untitled_Daniel Lergon

Daniel Lergon


Lazy Mike

Request for sale


대표자: 송보영

개인정보책임자: 사공훈

대표 번호: 02-3785-1622

통신판매업신고: 2022-서울용산-1497

사업자등록번호: 275-87-02239

서울 용산구 한남동 627 영풍빌딩 5층 509호



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